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What if revenge ripples and echoes through time?

You can’t choose your family or your destiny or your legacy. But once upon a time, a woman named Ava St. James had tried to build happiness upon the remains o ...


A 2024 IPPY Award Gold Medal Winner

“Dana Claire knocked it out of the park.” —Lynn Rush, New York Times & USA Today bestselling author

Hunterland delights in every way.” —Eva Pohler, USA Today bestselling ...

Karma of the Sun

A 2024 IPPY Award Bronze Medal Winner

“A thoughtful read perfect for this moody season.” —Wall Street Journal

Karma of the Sun is a not-to-miss debut from a ridiculously talented newcomer.” —Locus Magazine ...

Claw Heart Mountain

A 2024 IPPY Award Bronze Medal Winner

Claw Heart Mountain is beautifully written.” —HorrorDNA

“Anyone looking for gripping natural horror should check this out.” —Publishers Weekly

What happens when good ...

The Meister of Decimen City

2023 Foreword INDIES Award Gold Medal Winner

“Raney's debut is a blast [and] inventive as all get out . . .” —Booklist, Starred Review

“Thoroughly entertaining and utterly delightful.” —Publishers Weekly ...

Queen's Catacombs

A 2024 IPPY Award Silver Medal Winner

Winning the crown was only the beginning.

Jacs, now the rightful Queen of Frea, seems to be Queen in title alone. She scrambles to learn the customs and traditions ...

The Immortal Detective

A 2024 IPPY Award Bronze Medal Winner

“. . . impressive vampiric worldbuilding [with] a fascinating cast.” —Publishers Weekly

“A new, original, fresh, fascinating and fun take on the Vampire genre . . .” — ...