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No Query Letters Allowed

By CamCat Books February 15, 2020 Tags: For Authors

Refreshing Rebooting Restarting

By CamCat Books January 15, 2020 Tags: For Authors

Our Story

CamCat Publishing, LLC, opened for business in 2019. We’re still pretty new, so we don’t have much of a story to tell. Yet.

Our founder, Sue Arroyo, launched the company for the love of story, those tales ...

Our Favorite Crime/Mystery Blogs

By CamCat Books September 15, 2020 Tags: For Authors

Staff Picks: Our Favorite Writing Tools

By CamCat Books March 15, 2020 Tags: For Authors

Privacy policy

Protecting your private information is our priority.

This Privacy Policy governs data collection and usage of the products, services, software, platform and websites (collectively, “Services”) provided by ...